Pokemon Duel 3.0.12 for Android

Pokémon Duel (known in Japan as Pokémon Comaster), is an official game based on the world of Pokémon. This time around, the game is centered on fighting your way to the top in clashes against other players in a sort-of board game where your pocket monsters are pieces on the game board.
Gameplay is very easy to understand. Each character can move a certain number of squares, the goal being to reach your enemy's defeat position as soon as possible. In order to do this, your job is to defend any of the possible paths leading to our defeat position while simultaneously attacking your rival and moving towards their defeat square. When two Pokémon are adjacent, they face off against each other according to their stats. Each player has a special combat deck with their top six Pokémon. In addition, some Pokémon have special abilities that you can use within the game for different effects.
As you participate in tournaments and events you'll earn special objects to improve your Pokémon thanks to the Fusion system. You'll also earn new Pokémon as your rank increases. Just like the saga this game is based on the fact that each character has its own special virtues and defects, so you'll have to keep your wits about you and apply your very best strategy techniques if you really want to make it to the top.
Pokémon Duel is an interesting alternative to Pokémon GO that offers exciting fighting sequences thanks to its remarkably original game play. If you're looking for an improvement and are eager to be the best trainer around, you'll appreciate this game. Not only that, it also includes Pokémon from across several different generations, adding an unexpected new depth that's sure to intrigue major fans of this saga.
pokemon-duel-3-0-12.apk 50.1 MB
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