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SWAT: End War 1.2

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SWAT: End War is a first-person shooter where you take the role of a soldier in an assault group, who must participate in a series of missions around the world, freeing hostages and killing terrorist enemies.

Oddly enough, our SWAT hero has to buy his own weapons with money, gems and gold he finds on his missions. With these, you can buy upgrades to his assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, etc., the aim being to increase accuracy and do more damage.

SWAT: End War does not have much variety in its scenarios, enemies or locations, but it does offer loads of missions to demonstrate your expertise with your trigger finger. Because sure enough, the game's controls consist of simply putting your finger on the enemies in turn to blow them away before they can get a shot off.

SWAT: End War is an entertaining first-person shooter that, besides having good graphics, has a very precise control system, and thanks to that, killing enemies is a real pleasure.

swat-end-war-1-2.apk 12.1 MB

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