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PC SD Card Formatter 4.0 free

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Have you filled your SD memory cards to the brim with things that you don´t need, and can´t fit anything else on your smartphone? Stop deleting the images and songs one by one and format your SD card with this tool instead.

SD Card Formatter is a program that provides quick and easy access to all memory card formats like SD, SDHC and SCXC, and has been designed so that you can get rid of all the content stored on your SD card in one go.

It is recommendable to use SD Card Formatter to get the optimum performance from your SD cards, as these can collapse under the weight of everything that arrives through the messaging services to your mobile phone.

Simply connect your SD card to your computer and run SD Card Formatter, once it is recognized by your system, just click on the button 'Format' and everything will disappear within a few seconds.

In addition, as all SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards have as standard a 'protected area' on the card, SD formatter will not erase anything from within that safety zone.

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